7even Bridges on Bandcamp
Rising stars in the world of progressive rock are excited to inform you on the 7even Bridges Bandcamp collaboration. On Bandcamp all music by 7even Bridges will be available for streaming and download. But also with this collaboration the band is aiming for a higher level of direct contact with the fans and followers. Bandcamp is a major platform for bands. but even more for fans to get in touch with the bands they like. The place to be for supporting your favorite bands!
7even Bridges, with Afghanistan veteran bandmember Erik show their deep respect for all those that serve. This is a shout-out to all those who are walking the extra mile. To go above and beyond to help making this world a bit brighter. Freedom comes at a cost. Therefore we support all thos who serve. More background on the band in the biography.
Check out the Bandcamp website and get a copy of the first album ‘#breakthesilence’ and the follow-up album ‘Million Voices’. New and exclusive merchandise coming soon!